Delayed button

Button that needs to be selected for a certain predefined time interval before activating the action associated with it



Name BrowseName DataType Description
Delay Delay Duration Represents the number of milliseconds needed to activate the button action
Text Text LocalizedText (Inherited from Button)
Appearance Appearance String (Inherited from Button)
Image path ImagePath ResourceUri (Inherited from Button)
Image position ImagePosition Position (Inherited from Button)
Text position TextPosition Position (Inherited from Button)
Image width ImageWidth Size (Inherited from Button)
Image height ImageHeight Size (Inherited from Button)
Word wrap WordWrap Boolean (Inherited from Button)
Text trimming Elide Text trimming (Inherited from Button)
Font family FontFamily Font (Inherited from Button)
Font weight FontWeight Font weight (Inherited from Button)
Font italic FontItalic Boolean (Inherited from Button)
Font size FontSize Size (Inherited from Button)
Text color TextColor Color (Inherited from Button)
Background color BackgroundColor Color (Inherited from Button)
Style Style String (Inherited from Button)
Visible Visible Boolean (Inherited from Element)
Enabled Enabled Boolean (Inherited from Element)
Opacity Opacity Float (Inherited from Element)
Left margin LeftMargin Size (Inherited from Element)
Top margin TopMargin Size (Inherited from Element)
Right margin RightMargin Size (Inherited from Element)
Bottom margin BottomMargin Size (Inherited from Element)
Width Width Size (Inherited from Element)
Height Height Size (Inherited from Element)
Horizontal alignment HorizontalAlignment Horizontal alignment (Inherited from Element)
Vertical alignment VerticalAlignment Vertical alignment (Inherited from Element)
Rotation Rotation Size (Inherited from Element)


MouseLongPress event

MouseLongPress event