Set and display a Boolean value
- BrowseName
- Switch
- SuperType
- Element(Item)
Name | BrowseName | DataType | Description |
Checked | Checked | Boolean | Interrupter status. To enable another interface object when the value is True, create a dynamic link between this property and the Enabled property of the object to be enabled |
Text shown if on | CheckedText | LocalizedText | Text displayed inside the object when Active: True |
Text shown if not on | UncheckedText | LocalizedText | Text displayed inside the object when Active: False |
Font family | FontFamily | Font | Font family |
Font weight | FontWeight | Font weight | Font weight |
Font italic | FontItalic | Boolean | Enables/disables italics in the text |
Font size | FontSize | Size | Font size |
Text color | TextColor | Color | Color of the text to display |
Style | Style | String | Graphic style applied to the control |
Visible | Visible | Boolean | (Inherited from Element) |
Enabled | Enabled | Boolean | (Inherited from Element) |
Opacity | Opacity | Float | (Inherited from Element) |
Left margin | LeftMargin | Size | (Inherited from Element) |
Top margin | TopMargin | Size | (Inherited from Element) |
Right margin | RightMargin | Size | (Inherited from Element) |
Bottom margin | BottomMargin | Size | (Inherited from Element) |
Width | Width | Size | (Inherited from Element) |
Height | Height | Size | (Inherited from Element) |
Horizontal alignment | HorizontalAlignment | Horizontal alignment | (Inherited from Element) |
Vertical alignment | VerticalAlignment | Vertical alignment | (Inherited from Element) |
Rotation | Rotation | Size | (Inherited from Element) |
Modified value
- BrowseName
- Modified value
Event that is triggered when the user changes the value of the control