Range Slider



Name BrowseName DataType Description
First position FirstPosition Double
Second position SecondPosition Double
Landscape Horizontal Boolean Use landscape mode
Value change behavior ValueChangeBehaviour Value change behavior Mode of updating text when the user writes in the text box. At end of typing: update the value after the user has pressed Enter with either physical or virtual keyboard (pressing Esc or clicking outside the object, the previous text is restored); When typing: in real-time when writing
Visible Visible Boolean (Inherited from Element)
Enabled Enabled Boolean (Inherited from Element)
Opacity Opacity Float (Inherited from Element)
Left margin LeftMargin Size (Inherited from Element)
Top margin TopMargin Size (Inherited from Element)
Right margin RightMargin Size (Inherited from Element)
Bottom margin BottomMargin Size (Inherited from Element)
Width Width Size (Inherited from Element)
Height Height Size (Inherited from Element)
Horizontal alignment HorizontalAlignment Horizontal alignment (Inherited from Element)
Vertical alignment VerticalAlignment Vertical alignment (Inherited from Element)
Rotation Rotation Size (Inherited from Element)