Spin box

Increase/decrease a numerical value using buttons or keyboard



Name BrowseName DataType Description
Value Value Double Value displayed and possibly changed by the user
Minimum value MinValue Double Minimum value displayed on the Y axis
Maximum value MaxValue Double Maximum value displayed on the Y axis
Increment Increment Double Added or subtracted value (for example, 1, 0.1, or 0.01) using buttons
Input format Format String Format of the value that is presented to the user (such as decimal digits, leading zeroes, etc)
Editable Editable Boolean Enable/disable the change of the value directly in the chart
Show buttons ShowButtons Boolean Show buttons to increase or decrease current value
Font family FontFamily Font Font family
Font weight FontWeight Font weight Font weight
Font italic FontItalic Boolean Enables/disables italics in the text
Font size FontSize Size Font size
Text color TextColor Color Color of the text to display
Input box style InputBoxStyle String Style for input controls
Button style ButtonStyle String Style for buttons
Visible Visible Boolean (Inherited from Element)
Enabled Enabled Boolean (Inherited from Element)
Opacity Opacity Float (Inherited from Element)
Left margin LeftMargin Size (Inherited from Element)
Top margin TopMargin Size (Inherited from Element)
Right margin RightMargin Size (Inherited from Element)
Bottom margin BottomMargin Size (Inherited from Element)
Width Width Size (Inherited from Element)
Height Height Size (Inherited from Element)
Horizontal alignment HorizontalAlignment Horizontal alignment (Inherited from Element)
Vertical alignment VerticalAlignment Vertical alignment (Inherited from Element)
Rotation Rotation Size (Inherited from Element)


Modified value

Modified value

Event that is triggered when the user changes the value of the control