Multistate image

Based on the current state value, displays a specific image



Name BrowseName DataType Description
State value StateValue Int32 Value of the current state
States States MultiStateImageState List of states, each of which is associated with a specific image
Path Path ResourceUri (Inherited from Image)
Dynamic color DynamicColor Color (Inherited from Image)
Fill Mode FillMode Fill mode (Inherited from Image)
Hit test visible HitTestVisible Boolean (Inherited from Image)
Image left margin ImageLeftMargin Size (Inherited from Image)
Image top margin ImageTopMargin Size (Inherited from Image)
Image right margin ImageRightMargin Size (Inherited from Image)
Image bottom margin ImageBottomMargin Size (Inherited from Image)
Blink Blink Boolean (Inherited from Image)
Colorization mode ColorizationMode Colorization mode (Inherited from Image)
Move target MoveTarget NodeId (Inherited from Container)
Visible Visible Boolean (Inherited from Element)
Enabled Enabled Boolean (Inherited from Element)
Opacity Opacity Float (Inherited from Element)
Left margin LeftMargin Size (Inherited from Element)
Top margin TopMargin Size (Inherited from Element)
Right margin RightMargin Size (Inherited from Element)
Bottom margin BottomMargin Size (Inherited from Element)
Width Width Size (Inherited from Element)
Height Height Size (Inherited from Element)
Horizontal alignment HorizontalAlignment Horizontal alignment (Inherited from Element)
Vertical alignment VerticalAlignment Vertical alignment (Inherited from Element)
Rotation Rotation Size (Inherited from Element)