Navigation panel style

Style for navigation panels

Control style(ControlStyle)


Name BrowseName DataType Description
Color InactiveColor Color Color of the range
Inactive text color InactiveTextColor Color Text color of an inactive element
Active primary color ActivePrimaryColor Color Color used to indicate the currently selected tab's color
Active secondary color ActiveSecondaryColor Color Color used to indicate the text color of the currently selected tab, ignored when Appearance: Underlined
Background color BackgroundColor Color If the Appearance is Default, Bordered Circular or Bordered Rectangular, it is the color of the button. If the Appearance is Accent, the color is the one set in the style sheet in the Highlight color property
Font family FontFamily Font Font family
Font weight FontWeight Font weight Font weight
Font italic FontItalic Boolean Enables/disables italics in the text
Font size FontSize Size Font size
Radius Radius Size Radius of the angles of the objects
Icon uses text color IconUsesTextColor Boolean When True the tab's icon will be colorized like the tab's text
Tab spacing TabSpacing Size Set the space between tabs
Tab padding TabPadding Size Padding between the Navigation Panel tab buttons and the bar