Style sheet

Set the styles of graphical objects, either globally or for specific object classes



Name BrowseName DataType Description
Accent color AccentColor Color Highlight color
Accent text color AccentTextColor Color Color of the highlight text
Accent border color AccentBorderColor Color Border color of the highlight object
Window color WindowColor Color Background color of the windows
Screen color ScreenColor Color Background color of the Screen objects
Interactive controls background color InteractiveBackgroundColor Color Background color of the interactive controls (for example, Button, Text box, Combo box, Data grid, and so on)
Interactive controls color InteractiveColor Color Color of the interactive controls (for example, Button, Text box, Combo box, Data grid, and so on)
Interactive controls gradient percentage InteractiveColorGradientPercent Float Gradient percentage on background of interactive controls (for example, Button, Text box, Combo box, Data grid, and so on)
Text color TextColor Color Color of the text to display
Border color BorderColor Color Color of the polygon border
Data input background color DataInputBackgroundColor Color Background color of the data entry controls (for example, Button, Text box, Combo box, Data grid, and so on)
Data input text color DataInputTextColor Color Color of the text of date entry controls (for example, Combo box, Data grid, graphics, and so on)
Horizontal padding percent HorizontalPaddingPercent Float Percentage of the distance between the content and the horizontal edges of the objects
Vertical padding percent VerticalPaddingPercent Float Percentage of the distance between the content and the vertical edges of the objects
Radius Radius Size Radius of the angles of the objects
Border width BorderWidth Size Thickness of the object border
Disabled opacity DisabledOpacity Float Opacity level of the disabled objects (Enabled property set to False)
Animation duration AnimationDuration UInt32 Animation duration
Blinking period BlinkingPeriod Duration Duration of flashing of LED objects
Font family FontFamily Font Font family
Font weight FontWeight Font weight Font weight
Font italic FontItalic Boolean Enables/disables italics in the text
Font size FontPixelSize Float Font size in pixels
Focus color FocusColor Color Color of object when in focus
Interactive controls drop shadow size InteractiveDropShadowSize Size Shadow size of the interactive controls (for example, Button, Text box, Combo box, Data grid, and so on)
Focus glow size FocusGlowSize Size Size of the shading of the focus
Button styles ButtonStyles Button style Styles for buttons
Input box styles InputBoxStyles Input box style Styles for input controls
Switch styles SwitchStyles Switch style Styles for switches
Gauge styles GaugeStyles Gauge style Styles for gauges
Navigation panel styles NavigationPanelStyles Navigation panel style Styles for navigation panels
Chart styles ChartStyles Chart style Styles for charts
DataList styles DataListStyles DataList style Styles for data lists
Tooltip styles ToolTipStyles Tooltip style Styles for tooltips
ScrollBar styles ScrollBarStyles ScrollBar style Styles for scrollbars
Accordion styles AccordionStyles Accordion style Styles for accordions
Pie chart styles PieChartStyles Pie chart style Styles for pie charts
Histogram chart styles HistogramChartStyles Histogram chart style Styles for histogram charts
Label styles LabelStyles Label style Style for labels
Option button styles RadioButtonStyles Option button style
CheckBox styles CheckBoxStyles CheckBox style