Button style

Style for buttons

Control style(ControlStyle)


Name BrowseName DataType Description
Color Color Color Color of the pen line
Border color BorderColor Color Color of the polygon border
Text color TextColor Color Color of the text to display
Pressed color PressedColor Color Color of the element while is being pressed
Pressed border color PressedBorderColor Color Border color of the element while is being pressed
Pressed text color PressedTextColor Color Text color of the element while is being pressed
Focus border color FocusBorderColor Color Border color of the element while is being selected
Font family FontFamily Font Font family
Font weight FontWeight Font weight Font weight
Font italic FontItalic Boolean Enables/disables italics in the text
Font size FontSize Size Font size
Border width BorderWidth Size Thickness of the object border
Radius Radius Size Radius of the angles of the objects
Icon uses text color IconUsesTextColor Boolean When True the tab's icon will be colorized like the tab's text
Horizontal padding percent HorizontalPaddingPercent Float Percentage of the distance between the content and the horizontal edges of the objects
Vertical padding percent VerticalPaddingPercent Float Percentage of the distance between the content and the vertical edges of the objects