Alarm controller
- BrowseName
- AlarmController
- SuperType
- Object(BaseObjectType)
Name | BrowseName | DataType | Description |
Enabled | Enabled | Boolean | Enable/disable the alarm |
Active | Active | Boolean | Active/inactive alarm |
Auto acknowledge | AutoAcknowledge | Boolean | True: when the alarm activates, it is automatically acknowledged and confirmed. False: when the alarm activates, it must be acknowledged by the user |
Auto confirm | AutoConfirm | Boolean | True: when the alarm activates, it is automatically confirmed by the application. False: when the alarm activates, it must be confirmed by the user |
Input variable | InputValue | Double | Variable to monitor |
Message | Message | LocalizedText | Alarm message text |
Severity | Severity | UInt16 | Level of severity of the alarm, which indicates its priority on a scale from 1 to 1000 (in compliance with the OPC UA standard: 1 = information, 1000 = serious error) |
Max TimedShelve duration | MaxTimeShelved | Duration | Maximum allowed shelving duration for TimedShelve for this alarm |
Preset TimedShelve duration | PresetTimeShelved | Duration | Preset (default) shelving duration for TimedShelve for this alarm |
Last event | LastEvent | BaseDataType | Last alarm event generated |
Shelved | Shelved | Boolean | True: alarm is one-shot shelved or timed shelved. False: alarm is not shelved. |
- BrowseName
- Acknowledge
Name | DataType | Description |
EventId | ByteString | EventID that identifies a particular event notification |
Comment | LocalizedText | Localized text to apply to the alarm |
- BrowseName
- Confirm
Name | DataType | Description |
EventId | ByteString | EventID that identifies a particular event notification |
Comment | LocalizedText | Localized text to apply to the alarm |
Add comment
- BrowseName
- AddComment
Name | DataType | Description |
EventId | ByteString | EventID that identifies a particular event notification |
Comment | LocalizedText | Localized text to apply to the alarm |
One-Shot Shelve
- BrowseName
- OneShotShelve
Shelve an alarm until alarm is deactivated
Name | DataType | Description |
Comment | LocalizedText | Localized text to apply to the alarm on One-Shot Shelve |
Timed Shelve
- BrowseName
- TimedShelve
Shelve an alarm for a specified time
Name | DataType | Description |
ShelvingTime | Duration | Timed Shelve duration |
Comment | LocalizedText | Localized text to apply to the alarm on Timed Shelve |
- BrowseName
- Unshelve
Unshelve an alarm
Name | DataType | Description |
Comment | LocalizedText | Localized text to apply to the alarm on Unshelve |