Configure the device on which the FactoryTalk Optix Application is running
Use the Device Settings Widget to configure a device and view product and diagnostic information for the device.
On the device, open the screen with the Device Settings Widget.
If you created your project using the OptixPanel template on the start page, select Settings and then select Device.
Select Configuration to specify:
- Disable application and firmware updates. Select to disable updates or clear to allow updates to the remote device. You must select Reboot to reboot the device after disabling application and firmware updates.
- Device name. Change the name of the device. You must select Reboot to reboot the device after changing the device name.
- Application name. The name of the FactoryTalk Remote Access deployed to the remote device. Application name is read-only.
Select Product Information to view read-only information for the device:
- Product name. The name of the device.
- Catalog#. The catalog number of the device.
- OptixPanels firmware. The version number for the firmware installed in the device.
- OS. The version number of the installed operating system.
- System Manager. The version number of the System Manager installed.
- FT Optix Studio. The version of FactoryTalk Optix Studio used to create the application that is running on the device.
Select Diagnostics to view read-only information for the device:
- CPU utilization. The CPU utilization of the device.
- CPU temperature. The temperature of the device.
- User memory. The amount of RAM that is utilized.
- Free memory. The amount of RAM that is available.
- Last reboot. The date and time the device was last rebooted.
- Used storage. The amount of disk memory that is utilized.
- Free storage. The amount of disk memory that is available.
- Last deploy. The date and time that a FactoryTalk Remote Access was last deployed to the device.
- If you disable application and firmware updates or change the name of the device, you must select Reboot to reboot the device and commit the changes.