Push a library

Push a remote library to a remote Git repository to make the changes available to other users of the remote library.

Warning: If you use custom FactoryTalk Optix Studio or FactoryTalk Optix Studio beta, pushing library updates to the remote repository prevents other users from pulling the library if they do not use the same FactoryTalk Optix Studio release channel.


  1. Configure a remote library.

  2. Commit a library.

To push a library
  1. From the main toolbar, select Template Libraries.
  2. Select Push.
    Push remote library appears, indicating that users with an older version of FactoryTalk Optix will be unable to use the library you are about to push until they update their version of FactoryTalk Optix.
  3. Select Push.
  4. In Push to remote, complete:
    • Identity. Select your identity. This can be either your GitLab® or GitHub® identity.
    • Owner/Group. Select the owner or group of the repository. This can be either your identity or a group to which you belong.
    • Private. Select to create a private repository that only the selected owner or group can associate with a project.
    • Public. Select to create a public repository that other owners and groups can associate with a project.
    • URL. Displays the URL of the repository based on the selected settings.
  5. Select Push to remote.
    Tip: You can manage the remote repository URL and user credentials in FactoryTalk Optix Studio Options. For more information, see Configure version control.
    Tip: In order to use version control, FactoryTalk Optix library names and repository names must match. The library and repository names must contain only alpha numeric characters, numerals, periods, dashes, and underscores.
The library is pushed to the remote repository.