Configure a spin box

Add a spin box object and edit its properties.
  1. In Project view, in UI, right-click a container to contain the spin box, and then select New > Base controls > Spin box.
  2. (optional) In Properties, adjust the spin box settings:
    • Value. Starting value. Either a numerical value or a dynamic link to a variable with a numerical value.

      For more information about dynamic links, see Create dynamic links.

    • Minimum value. Minimum value that you can set for the spin box.

      Tip: If the value is outside the Minimum value and Maximum value range, the spin box border turns red for a brief moment and the value reverts to the previous value.
    • Maximum value. Maximum value that you can set for the spin box.

    • Increment. Value by which to increase or decrease the value when you use the buttons to increment the value.

    • Input format. Format of displayed value.

    • Editable. Enable entering the spin box value with keyboard keys.

      Tip: Even if Editable is set to False, you can still use spin box buttons to increase or decrease the spin box value.
    • Show buttons. Display buttons to increase or decrease the value.