Create a graphic object type

Create a custom graphic object type. Creating custom graphic object types is useful for creating user interfaces comprised of consistent components.
  1. (optional) In Project view, create a folder to contain custom graphic object types by right-clicking UI and selecting New > Folder.
  2. Right-click the UI folder or a subfolder, select New and then select an object type to create.

    For example, select New > Containers > Panel.

  3. (optional) Rename the object type. See Rename a graphic object.
  4. (optional) Edit the object type properties. See Edit graphic object properties.
  5. (optional) Create children graphic object instances under the object type. See Create a graphic object from a type.

    For example, create add labels with boilerplate text to panel types.

The object type displays in Type view and in the context menu of nodes in the UI folder in Project view.

Instantiate the object type. See Create a graphic object from a type.