Common properties

The available properties of UI objects depend on the selected object.


For any property that has a non-specific numeric value, the value Auto is equal to -1. If you double-click Auto in the property, -1 appears. If you enter -1 in the property, the value displays Auto. 

Property Description Values


The name of the object.

String value.


The type of the object.

Uneditable value.


Property Description Values


Visibility of object at runtime

  • True. Visible at runtime.
  • False. Not visible at runtime.


Whether the object allows user interaction at runtime

  • True. Interaction allowed at runtime.
  • False. Interaction prevented at runtime.


Transparency of the object

Numeric values from 0-100 with 0 making the object transparent.


Allows the object to blink periodically, ignored when the object is not visible

  • True. Object periodically blinks if visible.
  • False. Object does not periodically blink if visible.


Rotation of the object around the center point

Numeric values. Positive values indicate clockwise rotation in degrees.

Border color

Color of the border of the object

Any selected or entered color of the linked tag.

Fill color

Fill color of the object

Any selected or entered color of the linked tag.

Border thickness

Thickness of the object border in pixels

Numeric value.

Corner radius

Curvature of the corners of a rectangle in pixels

Numeric value.

Hit test visible

Whether the user can select the object to perform event methods at runtime

  • True. Object accepts user selection to perform event methods.
  • False. Object does not accept user selection to perform event methods. The underlying object accepts user selection.

Move target

Determines if the object or ancestor object is movable at runtime.

  • None. Object does not move as you drag the object at runtime.
  • Self. Object moves as you drag the object at runtime.
  • <AncestorObject>. Ancestor and descendant objects move as you drag the movable object at runtime.

Size and layout

Property Description Values

Horizontal alignment

Align selected objects horizontally in the window

  • Right
  • Left
  • Center
  • Stretch

Vertical alignment

Align selected objects vertically in the window

  • Top
  • Bottom
  • Center
  • Stretch


Width of the object

Numeric value in pixels


Height of the object

Numeric value in pixels

Left margin

Distance, in pixels, between the left edge of the window and the left side of the object

Numeric value

Top margin

Distance, in pixels, between the top of the window and the top of the object

Numeric value

Right margin

Distance, in pixels, between the right edge of the window and the right side of the object

Numeric value

Bottom margin

Distance, in pixels, between the bottom of the window and the bottom of the object

Numeric value