Recipe schema
Set of variables/ingredients with which to configure one or more recipes
- BrowseName
- RecipeSchema
- SuperType
- Object(BaseObjectType)
Name | BrowseName | DataType | Description |
Store | Store | NodeId | Database in which to store the recipes |
Table name | TableName | String | Name to assign to the table of the database containing the recipes. If empty, the name of the table corresponds to the BrowseName of the Recipe schema |
Target node | TargetNode | NodeId | Parent node inside of which to select variables to use as ingredients |
Timeout | Timeout | Duration | Timeout for the loading of values of the ingredients from FactoryTalkOptix to the field variables |
Root | Root | Object | Root element for the recipe schema |
Create recipe
- BrowseName
- CreateRecipe
Creates a new recipe
Name | DataType | Description |
NewBrowseName | QualifiedName | Name of the new recipe |
ParentId | NodeId | NodeId of the parent node of the Edit model node |
ReferenceTypeId | NodeId | |
NamespaceIndex | UInt16 | Namespace index |
Name | DataType | Description |
NewRecipeId | NodeId | New recipe ID |
Execute Refactor Recipe
- BrowseName
- RefactorRecipe
Refactor recipe to a new schema
Name | DataType | Description |
Recipe | NodeId |
Create EditModel from recipe
- BrowseName
- CreateEditModelFromRecipe
Creates a new EditModel from a recipe schema
Name | DataType | Description |
SourceRecipe | NodeId | Source Recipe |
TargetNode | NodeId | Source recipe to be used as a model |
NewBrowseName | QualifiedName | New BrowseName |
InPlaceEdit | Boolean | In-place edit |
ParentId | NodeId | Parent NodeId |
ReferenceTypeId | NodeId | Reference Type NodeId |
NamespaceIndex | UInt16 | Namespace index |
Name | DataType | Description |
NewModelId | NodeId | ID of the new Recipe Schema |
Create EditModel from schema
- BrowseName
- CreateEditModelFromSchema
Create an Edit model with the Recipe schema ingredients
Name | DataType | Description |
TargetNode | NodeId | Node of the Edit model |
NewBrowseName | QualifiedName | New BrowseName of the Edit model |
InPlaceEdit | Boolean | In-place edit |
ParentId | NodeId | NodeId of the parent node of the Edit model node |
ReferenceTypeId | NodeId | |
NamespaceIndex | UInt16 | Namespace index |
Name | DataType | Description |
NewModelId | NodeId |
Validate Tree
- BrowseName
- ValidateTree
Validate the recipe structure
Name | DataType | Description |
Source | NodeId | Source tree to be validated |
Target | NodeId | Destination tree |
Name | DataType | Description |
Result | Boolean | Result of the comparison |
- BrowseName
- Copy
Copy in the Edit model the values of the ingredients on the controller
Name | DataType | Description |
SourceNode | NodeId | Source node of values of the ingredients on the PLC |
DestinationNode | NodeId | Target Edit model node for values |
ErrorPolicy | Copy error policy | Error criteria |
Copy from edit model
- BrowseName
- CopyFromEditModel
Copy a recipe from the edit model
Name | DataType | Description |
EditModelNode | NodeId | Edit model node |
DestinationNode | NodeId | Target Edit model node for values |
ErrorPolicy | Copy error policy | Error criteria |
Create recipe
- BrowseName
- CreateStoreRecipe
Add a row in the database for a new recipe
Name | DataType | Description |
NewRecipeName | String | Name of the new recipe |
Delete recipe on store
- BrowseName
- DeleteStoreRecipe
Delete a recipe in the database
Name | DataType | Description |
RecipeName | String | Name of the recipe to delete |
Create EditModel from stored recipe
- BrowseName
- CreateEditModelFromStoreRecipe
Create an Edit model from the ingredients and relative values of a recipe stored in the database
Name | DataType | Description |
SourceRecipeName | String | Name of the recipe in the database |
TargetNode | NodeId | Node of the Edit model |
NewBrowseName | QualifiedName | BrowseName of the Edit model |
ParentId | NodeId | NodeId of the Edit model parent node |
ReferenceTypeId | NodeId | |
NamespaceIndex | UInt16 | Namespace index |
Name | DataType | Description |
NewModelId | NodeId |
Copy from stored recipe
- BrowseName
- CopyFromStoreRecipe
Copy the values of an existing recipe in the database into the Edit model
Name | DataType | Description |
RecipeName | String | Name of the recipe in the database |
DestinationNode | NodeId | Target Edit model node |
ErrorPolicy | Copy error policy | Error criteria |
Copy to recipe on store
- BrowseName
- CopyToStoreRecipe
Copy the values of the recipe in the Edit model to the recipe in the database
Name | DataType | Description |
SourceNode | NodeId | Source Edit model node |
RecipeName | String | Name of the recipe in the database |
ErrorPolicy | Copy error policy | Error criteria |
Recipe application event
- BrowseName
- Recipe application event
An event which is triggered when the current recipe is applied