Recipe schema

Set of variables/ingredients with which to configure one or more recipes



Name BrowseName DataType Description
Store Store NodeId Database in which to store the recipes
Table name TableName String Name to assign to the table of the database containing the recipes. If empty, the name of the table corresponds to the BrowseName of the Recipe schema
Target node TargetNode NodeId Parent node inside of which to select variables to use as ingredients
Timeout Timeout Duration Timeout for the loading of values of the ingredients from FactoryTalkOptix to the field variables
Root Root Object Root element for the recipe schema


Create recipe


Creates a new recipe

Table 1. InputArguments
Name DataType Description
NewBrowseName QualifiedName Name of the new recipe
ParentId NodeId NodeId of the parent node of the Edit model node
ReferenceTypeId NodeId
NamespaceIndex UInt16 Namespace index
Table 2. OutputArguments
Name DataType Description
NewRecipeId NodeId New recipe ID

Execute Refactor Recipe


Refactor recipe to a new schema

Table 3. InputArguments
Name DataType Description
Recipe NodeId

Create EditModel from recipe


Creates a new EditModel from a recipe schema

Table 4. InputArguments
Name DataType Description
SourceRecipe NodeId Source Recipe
TargetNode NodeId Source recipe to be used as a model
NewBrowseName QualifiedName New BrowseName
InPlaceEdit Boolean In-place edit
ParentId NodeId Parent NodeId
ReferenceTypeId NodeId Reference Type NodeId
NamespaceIndex UInt16 Namespace index
Table 5. OutputArguments
Name DataType Description
NewModelId NodeId ID of the new Recipe Schema

Create EditModel from schema


Create an Edit model with the Recipe schema ingredients

Table 6. InputArguments
Name DataType Description
TargetNode NodeId Node of the Edit model
NewBrowseName QualifiedName New BrowseName of the Edit model
InPlaceEdit Boolean In-place edit
ParentId NodeId NodeId of the parent node of the Edit model node
ReferenceTypeId NodeId
NamespaceIndex UInt16 Namespace index
Table 7. OutputArguments
Name DataType Description
NewModelId NodeId

Validate Tree


Validate the recipe structure

Table 8. InputArguments
Name DataType Description
Source NodeId Source tree to be validated
Target NodeId Destination tree
Table 9. OutputArguments
Name DataType Description
Result Boolean Result of the comparison



Copy in the Edit model the values of the ingredients on the controller

Table 10. InputArguments
Name DataType Description
SourceNode NodeId Source node of values of the ingredients on the PLC
DestinationNode NodeId Target Edit model node for values
ErrorPolicy Copy error policy Error criteria

Copy from edit model


Copy a recipe from the edit model

Table 11. InputArguments
Name DataType Description
EditModelNode NodeId Edit model node
DestinationNode NodeId Target Edit model node for values
ErrorPolicy Copy error policy Error criteria

Create recipe


Add a row in the database for a new recipe

Table 12. InputArguments
Name DataType Description
NewRecipeName String Name of the new recipe

Delete recipe on store


Delete a recipe in the database

Table 13. InputArguments
Name DataType Description
RecipeName String Name of the recipe to delete

Create EditModel from stored recipe


Create an Edit model from the ingredients and relative values of a recipe stored in the database

Table 14. InputArguments
Name DataType Description
SourceRecipeName String Name of the recipe in the database
TargetNode NodeId Node of the Edit model
NewBrowseName QualifiedName BrowseName of the Edit model
ParentId NodeId NodeId of the Edit model parent node
ReferenceTypeId NodeId
NamespaceIndex UInt16 Namespace index
Table 15. OutputArguments
Name DataType Description
NewModelId NodeId

Copy from stored recipe


Copy the values of an existing recipe in the database into the Edit model

Table 16. InputArguments
Name DataType Description
RecipeName String Name of the recipe in the database
DestinationNode NodeId Target Edit model node
ErrorPolicy Copy error policy Error criteria

Copy to recipe on store


Copy the values of the recipe in the Edit model to the recipe in the database

Table 17. InputArguments
Name DataType Description
SourceNode NodeId Source Edit model node
RecipeName String Name of the recipe in the database
ErrorPolicy Copy error policy Error criteria


Recipe application event

Recipe application event

An event which is triggered when the current recipe is applied