Recipe application event

An event which is triggered when the current recipe is applied



Name BrowseName DataType Description
Recipe name RecipeName String Name of the recipe to be processed
Destination node DestinationNode NodeId Destination of the recipe parameter
MethodId NodeId (Inherited from AuditUpdateMethodEventType)
InputArguments BaseDataType (Inherited from AuditUpdateMethodEventType)
ActionTimeStamp UtcTime (Inherited from AuditEventType)
Status Boolean (Inherited from AuditEventType)
ServerId String (Inherited from AuditEventType)
ClientAuditEntryId String (Inherited from AuditEventType)
ClientUserId String (Inherited from AuditEventType)
EventId ByteString (Inherited from BaseEventType)
EventType NodeId (Inherited from BaseEventType)
SourceNode NodeId (Inherited from BaseEventType)
SourceName String (Inherited from BaseEventType)
Time UtcTime (Inherited from BaseEventType)
ReceiveTime UtcTime (Inherited from BaseEventType)
LocalTime TimeZoneDataType (Inherited from BaseEventType)
Message LocalizedText (Inherited from BaseEventType)
Severity UInt16 (Inherited from BaseEventType)
ConditionClassId NodeId (Inherited from BaseEventType)
ConditionClassName LocalizedText (Inherited from BaseEventType)
ConditionSubClassId NodeId (Inherited from BaseEventType)
ConditionSubClassName LocalizedText (Inherited from BaseEventType)