Runtime configuration

Settings for importing and synchronizing a server node, and all its child nodes



Name BrowseName DataType Description
Local destination node LocalDestinationNode NodeId Design node where the node of interest and all its children are imported
Remote source node RemoteSourceNode String Path of the node of interest in the server information model starting, expressed as the sequence of BrowseName separated by /. Automatically selects all child nodes of the indicated node. Note: it is not necessary to indicate the server Root node
Content synchronization mode ContentSynchronizationMode Content synchronization mode Mode for importing and synchronizing nodes and variable values. No synchronization = import and synchronize deactivated; Only import = imports the nodes of interest but does not keep their structure and the value of the variable synchronized; Import and synchronize the values = import the nodes of interest and keeps the variable values synchronized; Full synchronization = import the nodes of interest and keep their structure and the values of the variable synchronized
Include remote source node IncludeRemoteSourceNode Boolean False = import child nodes only; True = import both the node indicated in the remote source node and the child nodes
Enable event synchronization EventSynchronization Boolean In the client node indicated in Local Destination Node, shows the events generated by the server node indicated in Remote Source Node
Event type EventType NodeId Event type of interest among those generated by the server node indicated in Remote Source Node and shown in the client node indicated in Local Destination Node