Runtime configuration
Settings for importing and synchronizing a server node, and all its child nodes
- BrowseName
- RuntimeConfigurationEntry
- SuperType
- Object(BaseObjectType)
Name | BrowseName | DataType | Description |
Local destination node | LocalDestinationNode | NodeId | Design node where the node of interest and all its children are imported |
Remote source node | RemoteSourceNode | String | Path of the node of interest in the server information model starting, expressed as the sequence of BrowseName separated by /. Automatically selects all child nodes of the indicated node. Note: it is not necessary to indicate the server Root node |
Content synchronization mode | ContentSynchronizationMode | Content synchronization mode | Mode for importing and synchronizing nodes and variable values. No synchronization = import and synchronize deactivated; Only import = imports the nodes of interest but does not keep their structure and the value of the variable synchronized; Import and synchronize the values = import the nodes of interest and keeps the variable values synchronized; Full synchronization = import the nodes of interest and keep their structure and the values of the variable synchronized |
Include remote source node | IncludeRemoteSourceNode | Boolean | False = import child nodes only; True = import both the node indicated in the remote source node and the child nodes |
Enable event synchronization | EventSynchronization | Boolean | In the client node indicated in Local Destination Node, shows the events generated by the server node indicated in Remote Source Node |
Event type | EventType | NodeId | Event type of interest among those generated by the server node indicated in Remote Source Node and shown in the client node indicated in Local Destination Node |