Create a dynamic link by selecting the source

Create a dynamic link using the Properties pane.
  1. In Project view, select the node that contains the property to set through a dynamic link.
  2. In Properties, hover over the property value to set, and then select Add Dynamic Link.
  3. (optional) In the dynamic links browser, select and select Consistent Data Type to make variables of incompatible types unavailable.

    For example, if the dynamic link parent expects a Boolean variable, all items except for Boolean variables will be grayed out in the dynamic links browser.

  4. Select a node to act as the source of the value property.
  5. Complete the displayed fields depending on the node selected:
    • Attribute. Select the OPC UA attribute to apply to the selected node. For example, select BrowseName, Value, or DisplayName.
    • Format. Select the format to apply to the selected variable.
    • Array index. Select the array index of the selected variable. This option appears for array variables only.
    • Bit index. Select the index to access the specified bit of the selected variable.
  6. Choose Select.
The reference to the selected node or variable appears in the property. Before the property, appears to indicate that the property contains a dynamic link.
Tip: If the dynamic link does not resolve at design time, appears before the dynamic link. A dynamic link to a Windows alias may resolve at runtime. If the dynamic link is broken because the linked attribute no longer exists or has been moved, appears before the link.