References to dynamic link sources

Depending on the type of a dynamic link source, the property value field displays the reference in different ways.

Property values

Table 1. Referenced source types
Source type Property value

A node or a variable

The BrowseName of the source.

An attribute of a node or of a variable

BrowseName@name of the attribute

An array variable

BrowseName[array index values]

An array index of the array variable

BrowseName[array index number]

For example, [0] is the first array index.

A bit index BrowseName[bit index number]

For example, [0] is the first bit index.

A property of a node

The path to the source node.

A node or a variable formatted by the user

The information about the source followed by (formatted)

Table 2. Reference types
Reference type Description Property value example


A complete path to the referenced source that starts with the root directory.



A path to the referenced source that starts with the target node directory.


With aliases

Any type of a path that contains aliases.

An alias is a variable type that points to a source node and has a unique identifier property. For more information, see Aliases.



Selecting the blue link (../SourceVariable in the example), brings you to the link target (SourceVariable node).