Make an active alarm visible

Configure the Active property of a graphic object to make an alarm visible at runtime. Dynamically link the Active variable of the graphic object to the Active variable of an alarm. At runtime, the appearance of the graphic element changes when the alarm is active.

The Active variable requires no scripting or NetLogic. For example, you can create a digital alarm and then bind the Active property of a graphic element, such as an LED, to the Active variable of a digital or other alarm. The LED lights up at runtime when the alarm reaches its configured limits or state.


  • Add an LED graphic object to a window
  • Create and configure an alarm
To make an active alarm visible
  1. From Project view, open the window that contains the LED and select the LED.
  2. In Properties for the LED, in Active, select Change Dynamic Link.
  3. In the Dynamic Link Editor, expand the Alarms folder and expand the alarm.
  4. Select the Active variable for the alarm.
    In the case of Exclusive and Non-Exclusive alarm types, you can create a dynamic link to a specific alarm state (high-high, high, low, or low-low).
  5. Choose Select.
The LED will now light with the color indicated in Properties when the alarm is active. The default color for the LED is red.