S7TCP Station

Communication station(CommunicationStation)


Name BrowseName DataType Description
Maximum job size in bytes MaximumJobSizeInBytes UInt32 Maximum size of a transmission of tags from the controller (in bytes). Limits both the duration of transmission from the controller and the latency of the write to the controller following the transmission. 0 = maximum value of 243 bytes
Maximum gap in bytes MaximumGapInBytes UInt32 Maximum distance in bytes between two tags to be part of the same transmission
IP address IPAddress String Unique address of the controller on the network
Port Port UInt16 Number of the port used by the TCP-IP connection. It must match the one configured in the controller
Timeout Timeout Duration Maximum wait time in milliseconds to receive a response from the controller
Remote device ID RemoteDeviceId Byte Default value = 2. This value can influence the type of communication channel (PG or OP) with the controller reserved to the driver: setting it to 1, the driver is assigned a PG communication channel (usually available in limited number and reserved to programming through S7 Manager), while setting it to 2 an OP channel is assigned (OP channels are dedicated to HMI / supervisor communication and are available in greater quantity). Rack Default value = 0. Slot Default value = 2
Remote rack RemoteRack Byte
Remote slot RemoteSlot Byte
Operation code OperationCode Communication operation code (Inherited from Communication station)
Tags Tags Folder (Inherited from Communication station)
Types Types (Inherited from Communication station)