Modbus Driver

Driver to communicate with the controller via the Modbus protocol

Communication driver(CommunicationDriver)


Name BrowseName DataType Description
Protocol Protocol Protocol Modbus TCP: TCP Socket access mode. Modbus RTU: serial port access mode
Serial port SerialPort String (in RTU mode only) Number of the COM serial port to use for the communication
Baudrate Baudrate UInt32 (in RTU mode only) Serial communication speed (Baud Rate). The communication speed value should be set to match that of the device with which you intend to communicate
Data size DataSize Byte (in RTU mode only) Number of bits of a single character required by the communication protocol concerned
Parity Parity Parity (in RTU mode only) Parity bit for handling transmission errors. Even: if the 1-bits in a byte are odd, add a 1-bit until the 1-bits are even. Odd: if the 1-bits in the byte are even, add a 1-bit to make them odd
Stop bits StopBits Stop bits (in RTU mode only) Number of stop bits required by the communication protocol concerned
Flow control FlowControl Flow control (in RTU mode only) Type of data flow control for the type of communication used. None: no flow control - the control is not required by the protocol; Hardware: the flow control is managed by serial line electrical signals (for example, RTS, CTS, and so on); Software: the flow control of data is XON/XOFF