Event logger

Records the properties of one or more event types of interest generated by a specific node and/or by its child nodes, or by any node in the project, and stores them in a database



Name BrowseName DataType Description
Enabled Enabled Boolean Enable/disable the recording of events
Locales Locales LocaleId Locales of interest for storing translations of LocalizedText data in the database, typically the descriptions of the events. Each locale has an additional column in the database for each localized property. If empty, the locales are those expected by the project (Locales property of the project root node)
Database Store NodeId Database in which to store the events data
Event configurations EventConfigurations Event configuration Event configuration collection of objects. If empty, record events generated by any project node
Paths to event fields EventFieldPaths Path to event field
Event arguments EventArguments
Event fields to log EventFieldsToLog Event field to log Properties to record of the different events of interest