Project Node IDs

When you save a project, the IDs of the project nodes that are not exposed through OPC UA may change to optimize performance. If the OPC UA server exposes nodes, the IDs of these nodes become fixed. They do not change when you save the project.
Note: See Terms dictionary to learn more about the nodeID definition.

Custom Node IDs

You can define custom fixed Node IDs by editing the ProjectName\Nodes\Model\Model.yaml file.
Important: Rockwell Automation recommends editing the Model.yaml file only for the most advanced users as it may lead to project corruption. Ensure to back up your project before making any changes to the Model.yamlfile. See Duplicate a project, Project backup, and Restore a project.
The following example of the Model.yaml file shows custom IDs defined for four variables:
Name: Model
Id: g=fb6543bf8c558b11ea2f5be225a426c0
Type: FolderType
- Name: Variable1
  Id: g=d457b2dd5183a536fd7e00ed1de83292
  Type: BaseDataVariableType
  DataType: String
  Value: "Variable with GUID"
- Name: Variable2
  Id: "s='Custom Variable 2'"
  Type: BaseDataVariableType
  DataType: String
  Value: "Variable with String spaced ID"
- Name: Variable3
  Id: s=CustomVariable3
  Type: BaseDataVariableType
  DataType: String
  Value: "Variable with String ID"
- Name: Variable4
  Id: i=12345
  Type: BaseDataVariableType
  DataType: String
  Value: "Variable with Integer ID"
- Name: Variable5
  Id: 's="some"."name"'  
  Type: BaseDataVariableType
  DataType: Int32
  Value: 2