Pull preview

Pull changes from the remote repository to see conflicts between the local project and the remote project.

The preview shows changed values and removed objects. Keep either the change in the local project or the change in the remote project. An example Pull preview may include:

Item Description
1 Rows of highlighted conflicts or changes.
2 Select Take all local to accept all of the local changes. Select Take all remote to accept all of the changes in the remote repository.
3 Filter the changes in the preview by displaying All project content, only Updates to the project, or only Conflicts in the project.
4 Select Sort descending to navigate to and expand the next conflict, or select Sort ascending navigate to the previous conflict.
5 Select a conflict to the left in a row to accept the local change. Local history indicates local content. Changes in values are indicated and removed objects are crossed out.
6 Select a conflict to the right in a row to accept the remote change. Remote history. indicates remote content. Changes in values are indicated and removed objects are crossed out.
7 An icon in a row indicates:
  • Preview conflicts  A conflict exists between the local and remote project.
  • Preview resolved A conflict was resolved by selecting either the local or remote change in the row.
  • Preview changes A change exists in the local or remote project.
  • Preview additions An object was added.
  • Preview deletions An object was removed.