Open a remote project

Open a remote project to view a shared project that other users edit.

Pull the changes that other users make to see the latest version of the project before incorporating the changes or making any additional changes.

  1. If there is an open project, select Project and then select Close Project.
  2. Select Close or if there are changes to save, select Save and close.
  3. On Create a new project, select Open and then select Remote.
  4. On the Start page, complete:
    1. Remote URL. Enter the URL of your remote repository. This is the location that stores the project remotely. If you do not know the URL, ask your System Administrator.
      Tip: The project and repository names must be the same, including capitalization.
    2. Location. Enter the folder on your local computer where you will save and commit changes before pushing them to the remote repository. The default location is C:\Users\UserName\Documents\Rockwell Automation\FactoryTalk Optix. Select Browse files to browse for a different location.
      Tip: If you are signed in to FactoryTalk Optix Studio, you do not have to know the Remote URL or Location. Create a new project automatically displays all of the potential repositories accessible with your account and all of the projects that you can open.
  5. Select Open. "Opening project from remote" appears in the status bar and the new project opens with the same name as the remote repository.
  6. If, in the main toolbar, Pull from remote is blue and contains a number, the project has committed changes on the remote repository that you need to pull in order to see the latest version of the project. The message "Remote changes available to pull" appears in the status bar.
  7. Select Pull from remote. The message Pulling project from remote appears in the status bar. 
    Any conflicts between changes in the remote repository and changes in the local project appear highlighted in Pull preview. Green rows in Pull preview show changes from the remote repository, not conflicts.
  8. In Pull preview, expand a highlighted conflict to display values that are in conflict.
  9. Select the version of content to keep:
    • Individual local change. In a highlighted row, select Local history on the left.

    • All local changes. At the top of the preview, select Take all local.
    • Individual remote change. In a highlighted row, select Remote history on the right.

    • All remote changes. At the top of the preview, select Take all remote.

      Tip: An icon in a row in Pull preview indicates:
      • Preview conflicts  A conflict exists between the local and remote project.
      • Preview resolved A conflict was resolved by selecting either the local or remote change in the row.
      • Preview changes A change exists in the local or remote project.
      • Preview additions An object was added.
      • Preview deletions An object was removed.
  10. Select Accept and push to accept the selected changes, or select Cancel to reject all of the conflicts in the remote project and retain the values in the local project.
The project opens and the message Project synchronized on remote appears in the status bar.