Configure idle timeout for a page

If you want a timeout to apply only to a specific page or panel, you can use a NetLogic to configure an idle timeout. Idle timeouts configured using a NetLogic do not apply to the entire project.

  1. Select Template Libraries.
  2. In Template Libraries, select Scripts.
  3. Under Components, drag Idle Timeout directly into the start window, such as MainWindow (type), in Project view.
  4. In Libraries, select Close.
  5. With IdleTimeoutLogic selected, in Properties, in Enabled, select True to enable NetLogic. Enabling IdleTimeoutLogic enables the timeout by default.
  6. In Duration, enter the time before the timeout occurs.
  7. In Project view, expand IdleTimoutLogic and then select OnTimeout.
  8. In Properties after OnTimeout, select Edit.
  9. In the browser, expand Commands, expand the type of command, and then select the command that will be executed when the timeout event is triggered.
  10. Choose Select.