Session nodes

The {Session} alias points to the Session node for the current runtime session. FactoryTalk Optix Studio automatically creates dynamic links with the nodes inside of the Session node.

Session nodes include:
Node Description


Groups can be defined and used in the project. Each group displays a value:
  • 0. The current user is a member of the group.

  • 1. The current user is not a member of the group.


List of the available amounts. Each amount has properties based on the locale:
  • Description. Description of the unit of measure, such as Celsius.

  • DisplayName. Symbol of the unit of measure, such as °C.

  • UnitId. Unit of measure ID according to OPC UA.


Array of session locale IDs. This node specifies all of the locales supported by the user interface.


Properties for the user:
  • LocaleIds. The IDs of the user locale.

    • Domain. The AD domain of the current user.

Roles Roles can be defined and used in the project. Each role displays a value:
  • 0. The current user is a member of the role.

  • 1. The current user is not a member of the role.