Global methods for variables

Use variable commands to modify variable values at runtime.

Increment value

Increases the value of a variable by a set value.

Table 1. Input arguments
Argument Description
VariableToModify Variable for which to increment the value
Delta Value of increase of a variable
ArrayIndex (Only for array) Cell to modify

Set bit value

Sets the value of a specific bit of a variable.

Table 2. Input arguments
Argument Description
VariableToModify Value to modify
Value Value to set
ArrayIndex (Only for array) Cell to modify
BitIndex Specific bit to modify

Set variable value

Specifies the value of a variable.

Table 3. Input arguments
Argument Description
VariableToModify Value to modify
Value Value to set
ArrayIndex (Only for array) Cell to be modified


Inverts the value of a Boolean variable.

Table 4. Input arguments
Argument Description
VariableToModify Variable for which to invert the value
ArrayIndex (Only for array) Cell to modify

Toggle bit

Inverts the value of a specific bit of a variable.

Table 5. Input arguments
Argument Description
VariableToModify Variable for which to invert the value
ArrayIndex (Only for array) Cell to modify
BitIndex Specific bit to modify