Engineering unit converter

Use the engineering unit converter to convert raw data values into scaled values based on a range of customizable values.

Tip: For example, the engineering unit converter can transform values from 0 to 65.535 supplied by a temperature sensor into corresponding values on a scale from -20 to +70. The input of an engineering unit converter is generally a dynamic link to an imported tag.


Property Description

Raw min

Minimum raw data value.

Raw max

Maximum raw data value.

Scaled min

Minimum converted value.

Scaled max

Maximum converted value.


The direction of the dynamic link:
  • Read from the source node to the parent.
  • Write from the parent to the source node.
  • Read from the source node to the parent and write from the parent to the source node.
Important: The converter does not operate if you do not specify values in the Raw min and Raw max properties and there is no dynamic link for the input variable.
If... Then...

Raw min and Raw max properties are not set.

The converter assumes that there is an analog variable set in the input via a dynamic link. Raw min and Raw max are set to Low limit and High limit of the input analog variable respectively.

Raw min and Raw max properties are set.

The converter considers Raw min and Raw max properties and ignores any Low limit and High limit values of the analog variable input.

Only Raw min or Raw max property is set.

The converter assumes that there is an analog variable set in the input via a dynamic link and ignores the Raw min and Raw max properties. Raw min and Raw max are set to Low limit and High limit of the input analog variable respectively.


A variable that contains a raw value to be converted.


A scaled value based on the configured linear conversion.
