Device variables

Bind a property of a graphic object to a predefined Device variable to display the memory and storage usage on the HMI device. For example, bind to the Free memory variable to display the amount of RAM available on the HMI device. To bind to a variable, see Create dynamic links.

The Device category in the Dynamic Link browser displays the variables related to the HMI device.

Table 1. Device variables
Variable Type Definition Read or Write Reboot Required
Catalog number String Catalog number read from the controller Read-only Reboot not required
CPU frequency UInt32 Frequency at which the CPU is running in megahertz Read-only Reboot not required
CPU temperature UInt32 Temperature of CPU in Celsius Read-only Reboot not required
CPU utilization UInt32 Percentage of CPU processing power used in the last two seconds Read-only Reboot not required
Ethernet network count UInt32 Number of Ethernet networks supported by the device Read-only Reboot not required
Ethernet port count UInt32 Number of physical Ethernet ports supported by the device Read-only Reboot not required
Firmware date DateTime Date of the device firmware Read-only Reboot not required
Firmware version String Version of the device firmware Read-only Reboot not required
Hardware product code UInt32 Hardware product code of the device Read-only Reboot not required
Hardware product type UInt32 Hardware product type of the device Read-only Reboot not required
Hardware version String Version of the device hardware Read-only Reboot not required
Hardware series String Series of the device hardware Read-only Reboot not required
Host name String Name of the device on the network Read/Write Reboot required
Last application update time DateTime Date and time at which the application was last deployed to the device Read-only Reboot not required
Last bootup time DateTime Date and time at which the device was last booted Read-only Reboot not required
OS version String Version of the device operating system Read-only Reboot not required
Product name String Product name of the device Read-only Reboot not required
Protection mode enabled Boolean Disable application and firmware updates to the device. Read/Write Reboot required
System Manager version String Version of the System Manager on the device Read/Write Reboot required
Total on time UInt32 Total power on time of the device in hours Read-only Reboot not required
Free memory UInt32 Unused RAM memory in the HMI device in kilobytes Read-only Reboot not required
Total memory UInt32 Total RAM memory in the HMI device in kilobytes Read-only Reboot not required
Used memory UInt32 Used RAM memory in the HMI device in  kilobytes Read-only Reboot not required
Free storage UInt32 Nonvolatile storage in the HMI device in kilobytes Read-only Reboot not required
Total storage UInt32 Total nonvolatile storage in the HMI device in kilobytes Read-only Reboot not required
Used storage UInt32 Used nonvolatile storage in the HMI device in kilobytes Read-only Reboot not required