Application variables

Bind the property of a graphic object to a predefined Application variable to configure the FTOptixApplication. For example, bind to the visibility of a property to make the object blink based on a machine or process state.To bind to a variable, see Create dynamic links.

The Application category in the Dynamic Link browser displays the variables related to the FTOptixApplication.

Table 1. Application variables
Variable Type Definition Read or Write Reboot Required
Blink fast Boolean Variable value that alternates between set for 1 second and cleared for 0.5 seconds. Read-only Reboot not required
Blink medium Boolean Variable value that alternates between set for 2 seconds and cleared for 1 second. Read-only Reboot not required
Blink slow Boolean Variable value that alternates between set for 3 seconds and cleared for 1.5 seconds. Read-only Reboot not required