Create a report

Create a report by adding a report object in Project view.
  1. In Project view, right-click Reports and then select New > Reports.

    Reports# appears in Project view.

  2. To rename the report, in Project view, hover over the report, select Edit, and enter a new name.
  3. To change the format of all of the pages in the report, edit the values in Properties.
  4. In Project view, expand the report.
  5. In Project view, under the report, select Header and edit the values in Properties to change the appearance of the header.
  6. Add panel sections to the report:
    1. In Project view, right-click Sections and select New > Panel section.
    2. Select PanelSection# and edit the values in Properties to change the appearance of the panel section.
  7. Add a data grid section:
    1. In Project view, right-click Sections and select New > Data grid section.
    2. Select DataGridSection# and in Properties, select the data to display and change the default appearance.
    3. To add a column, next to Columns, select Add and select either Text column or Image column.
    4. To configure a column, under the column in Properties, set the title and change the default appearance.
    5. To remove a column, next to the column, select Delete.
    Tip: To ensure that the report generates as expected, ensure that each data grid section has data to display.
  8. To add a page break, in Project view, right-click Sections and select New > Page break.
  9. Select Footer and edit the values in Properties to change the appearance of the footer.
    Tip: To design the user interface of the header, panel section, data grid section, or footer, expand the report in Project view and then double-click the object to edit the object in the editor for the object.