Recipes editor

The recipes editor widget contains the graphical objects and NetLogics required to display and manage the recipes at runtime.

Use the recipes editor widget to:
  • Display ingredients and values of a stored recipe during editing or loading the controller

  • Create, edit, or delete a recipe

  • Store a recipe in the database

  • Load a recipe from the FactoryTalk Optix Application to the controller

  • Load a recipe from the controller to the FactoryTalk Optix Application


Figure 1. Recipes editor interface
Table 1. Recipes editor items
Item Name Description
1 Recipe name

Assign a name to a new recipe or select an existing recipe.

2 Recipe control buttons
  • Save. Store the recipe in the database during editing.
  • Delete. Delete the selected recipe from the database.
  • Load. Load the recipe values from the controller to the FTOptixApplication.
  • Apply. Apply the selected recipe on the controller.
3 Ingredients list

Recipe schema ingredients.

4 Ingredient values editor

Editable values of the recipe ingredients.

5 Applied ingredient values

Values of the ingredients on the controller.