Manage recipes at runtime

Use the recipes editor widget to store a new recipe, to delete an existing recipe, or to apply a recipe on the controller.

When the user creates, edits, or loads a recipe from the database at runtime, an alias to the Edit model node is automatically created in the root project node. The alias node has the same name as the recipe schema it refers to. Until the node is saved, deleted, or sent to the controller, it contains a temporary copy of the created, edited, or loaded recipe data.
Important: If the FTOptixApplication execution stops, the Edit model node and its data are deleted.
To manage recipes at runtime
  • To store a new recipe:
    1. Edit the values of the ingredients.
    2. In the recipe list, enter a name for the recipe.
    3. Select Save.
  • To delete a recipe, select a recipe and select Delete.
  • To apply a recipe on the controller:
    1. Select a recipe.
      Recipe ingredients values display.
    2. Select Apply.
      In the right column, ingredients values loaded to the controller display.
    3. To change the values of the ingredients on the controller, edit the values, select Save and select Apply.
      The values of the ingredients on the controller update in the right column.