Push Agent configuration for the Azure IoT Hub
An example of Push Agent configuration for sending and receiving data with Azure IoT Hub broker.
Property | Value |
ClientId |
MyDevice01 |
BrokerIPAddress |
contoso.azure-devices.net |
BrokerPort |
8883 |
BrokerTopic |
devices/MyDevice01/messages/events/ |
QoS |
1 Azure Iot Hub does not support level 2 QoS. If you use the level 2 QoS, Azure Iot Hub closes the connection every time a message is sent. |
UseSSL |
True |
CACert |
ClientCert |
ClientCertPassword |
Username |
contoso.azure-devices.net/MyDevice01/?api-version=2018-06-30 |
Password |
SharedAccessSignature sig=signature-string&se=expiry&sr=URL-encoded-resourceURI |