Configure a sparkline

Configure the source of the data to display in the Sparkline object. Adjust the Sparkline object properties.
  1. In Project view, right-click a node to contain the Sparkline object and select New > Data controls > Sparkline.
  2. In Properties, create a dynamic link between Pen value and a node or database from which you want to obtain the data.

    For more information about dynamic links, see Create dynamic links.

  3. (optional) Configure the sparkline properties:
    • Pen color. Sparkline pen color.

    • Pen thickness. Sparkline pen thickness.

    • Time window. Sparkline time range.

    • Refresh time. Sparkline refresh time.

    • Y-axis maximum. Maximum value of the Y-axis.

    • Y-axis minimum. Minimum value of the Y-axis.

    • Range high. High value of the range.

    • Range low. Low value of the range.

    • Range color. Range background color.