Develop a NetLogic that sets label text

This runtime NetLogic changes the text of a label. The NetLogic can be triggered with an MouseClickEvent event.


Set the default external code editor. See Set the default code editor.

To develop the NetLogic
  1. In Project view, right-click the NetLogic folder and select New > Runtime NetLogic.
  2. Double-click the NetLogic.
    The external code editor opens.
  3. Edit the NetLogic by replacing the existingRuntimeNetLogic1 class with the following code. See Edit a NetLogic.
    #region Using directives
    using System;
    using UAManagedCore;
    using OpcUa = UAManagedCore.OpcUa;
    using FTOptix.HMIProject;
    using FTOptix.UI;
    using FTOptix.NativeUI;
    using FTOptix.Core;
    using FTOptix.CoreBase;
    using FTOptix.NetLogic;
    public class RuntimeNetLogic1 : FTOptix.NetLogic.BaseNetLogic
        public void SetLabelTextToHelloWord(NodeId labelNodeId)
            var label = InformationModel.Get<Label>(labelNodeId);
            label.Text = "Changed label text";
  4. Save the code.