Configure the ValuePanel (type)

Create labels, a text box, and a dialog context object.
  1. Create a panel title label:
    1. In Project view, right-click SavePanel (type) and select New > Base controls > Label.
    2. Hover-over the label, select Edit, and enter PanelTitleLabel.
    3. In Properties, set Text to Value Panel.
  2. In Project view, right-click SavePanel (type) and select New > ConfirmationDialogContext.
  3. Create a value text box:
    1. In Project view, right-click SavePanel (type) and select New > Base controls > Text box.
    2. Hover-over the text box, select Edit, and enter ValueTextBox.
    3. In Events, next to Modified text, select Add and select Commands > UI commands > Open dialog window.
    4. Under Input arguments, create a dynamic link between Dialog and ProjectName > UI > ConfirmationDialog (type).
    5. Under Input arguments, create a dynamic link between AliasNode and ProjectName > UI > Panel 2 (type) > ConfirmationDIalogContext1@NodeId.
      Tip: You can select the @Attribute values from the Attribute drop-down menu at the bottom of the dialog.
  4. Create a blank value label:
    1. In Project view, right-click ValuePanel (type) and select New > Base controls > Label.
    2. Hover-over the label, select Edit, and enter ValueLabel.
    3. In Properties, remove the Text property value.
  5. Configure the confirmation dialog context object:
    1. In Project view, select ConfirmationDialogContext1.
    2. In Properties, create a complex dynamic link between the Message property and the Text property of ValueTextBox with the use of a string formatter.
      Do you really want to apply the value: {0}?
      {0} DynamicLink
      ProjectName > UI > ValuePanel > ValueTextBox > Text.
    3. In Project view, expand ConfirmationDialogContext1 and select OnConfirm.
    4. In Properties, create a dynamic link between OnConfirm and Commands > Variable commands > Set variable value.
    5. Under Input arguments, create a dynamic link between VariableToModify and ProjectName > UI > ValuePanel > ValueLabel > Text@NodeId.
      Tip: You can select the @Attribute values from the Attribute drop-down menu at the bottom of the dialog.
    6. Under Input arguments, create a dynamic link between Value and ProjectName > UI > ValuePanel > ValueTextBox > Text.