Import controller variables

Configure a communication driver to import sample tags (controller variables) from a Logix controller.

Tip: Instead of importing controller variables from a Logix controller, you can create variables manually. See Create variables.


In the Logix Designer application, download the LogixTags.ACD project to a physical Logix controller or an emulated FactoryTalk® Logix Echo controller. Set the controller in the run mode.

For more information, see the Logix Designer online help.

To import controller variables
  1. From the toolbar, select Open dashboard page.
  2. In the central pane, select Configure communications to devices.
  3. Select New stations.
  4. Select RA EtherNet/IP Station and select Next.
  5. (optional) To import the controller tags in the online mode, in Route, enter IP_Address\Backplane\Chassis_Slot_Number and select Next.
  6. Select Next.
  7. Fetch the controller tags:
    • To fetch the controller tags in the offline mode, select Browse and select the downloaded LogixTags.ACD file.
    • To fetch the controller tags in the online mode, select the Offline/Online toggle to change it to the Online position.
  8. Select all controller tags and select Next.
    Figure 1. Selected tags in the online mode
  9. Select Exit.

In Project view, the imported controller variables are available in the ProjectName > CommDrivers > RAEtherNet/IPDriver1 > RAEtherNet/IPStation1 > Tags > Controller Tags node. Note this location.

Figure 2. Imported controller variables