Configure temperature controls

Create Label, Textbox, and Linear gauge objects to visualize and control the temperature variable.
  1. In Project view, double-click Page1 (type).
    Page1 (type) opens in the editor.
  2. Right-click Page1 (type) and select New > Base controls > Label.
  3. In Properties, set Text to Temperature:.
  4. In Project view, right-click Page1 (type) and select New > Base controls > Text box.
  5. In Properties, create a dynamic link between Text and the Temperature variable.
    Tip: You can create the dynamic link by dropping the Temperature variable from Project view into the Text property value of the Text box in Properties.

    For more information about dynamic links, see Create dynamic links.

  6. In Project view, right-click Page1 (type) and select New > Base controls > Linear gauge.
  7. In Properties, create a dynamic link between Value and the Temperature variable.

    For more information about dynamic links, see Create dynamic links.

  8. In the editor, arrange the objects according to your preferences.
Figure 1. Temperature controls in the top-right corner