Associate the LED color with the spin box

Control the color of the LED object by changing spin box values at runtime.
  1. In Project view, select LED1.
  2. In Properties, create a complex dynamic link with a Key-value converter between the Color and Value of SpinBox1:
    Source Dynamic link
    ProjectName > UI > Pages > Page1 (type) > SpinBox1 > Value.

    For more information about dynamic links, see Create dynamic links.

  3. In the complex dynamic link editor, next to Key-value converter, select Editor.
  4. In the editor, next to Values, select String and select Color.
    Tip: If you do not see the required option, select the Show all checkbox.
  5. Add two rows by selecting Add two times.
  6. Set the values as follows:
    Keys (UInt32) Values (Color)







  7. In Project view, select SpinBox1.
  8. In Properties, set Minimum value to 0.
    Tip: Setting Minimum value prevents you from providing values that are not handled by Key-value converter at runtime.
  9. In Properties, set Maximum value to 2.
    Tip: Setting Maximum value prevents you from providing values that are not handled by Key-value converter at runtime.
Figure 1. Changing LED color