
Depending on the overload, adds a variable or a list of variables to the RemoteVariableSynchronizer object on which it is invoked.

void public void Add(IUAVariable variables);
void public void Add(RemoteVariable variables);
void public void Add(IEnumerable<IUAVariable> variables);
void public void Add(IEnumerable<RemoteVariable> variables);


variables (IUAVariable)
The IUAVariable C# object to add to the object on which the method is invoked.
variables (RemoteVariable)
The RemoteVariable C# object that identifies a cell of a one-dimensional or multidimensional array to be added to the object on which the method is invoked.
variables (IEnumerable<IUAVariable>)
The IUAVariable list to be added to the object on which the method is invoked.
variables (IEnumerable<RemoteVariable>)
The RemoteVariable list to be added to the object on which the method is invoked.


In the following example, a variable speed is added to the variableSynchronizer object.
var speed = LogicObject.Owner.GetVariable("Speed");
var variableSynchronizer = new RemoteVariableSynchronizer();
In the following example, the index variable 10 is added to the variableSynchronizer object within the arrayVariable array.
var arrayVariable = LogicObject.Owner.GetVariable("ArrayVariable");
var variableSynchronizer = new RemoteVariableSynchronizer();
variableSynchronizer.Add(new RemoteVariable(arrayVariable, 10));
In the following example, the index variable 10.5 is added to the variableSynchronizer object within the scalarVariable multidimensional array.
var scalarVariable = LogicObject.Owner.GetVariable("ScalarVariable");
var variableSynchronizer = new RemoteVariableSynchronizer();
variableSynchronizer.Add(new RemoteVariable(scalarVariable, new uint[] { 10,5 }));