Configure the speed panel (type)

Add a label, gauge, and a button that changes panels.

  1. Create a speed label:
    1. In Project view pane, right-click SpeedPanel (type) and select New > Base controls > Label.
    2. Hover-over the label, select Edit, and enter SpeedLabel.
    3. In Properties pane, set Text to Speed.
  2. Create a speed circular gauge:
    1. In Project view, right-click SpeedPanel (type) and select New > Base controls > Circular gauge.
    2. Hover-over the gauge, select Edit, and enter SpeedGauge.
    3. In Properties, create a dynamic link between Value and ProjectName > Model > Speed.

      For more information about dynamic links, see Create dynamic links.

  3. Create a button that changes panels:
    1. In Project view, right-click SpeedPanel (type) and select New > Base controls > Button.
    2. Hover-over the label, select Edit, and enter ChangePanelButton.
    3. In Properties, set the Text property value to Change Panel.
    4. In Events, next to MouseClick event, select Add and select Panel Loaders > {MainPanelLoader} > MainPanelLoader > Change panel.
    5. Under Input arguments, create a dynamic link between NewPanel and ProjectName > UI > RemotePanels > AccelerationPanel (type)