Configure the acceleration panel (type)

Add a label, gauge, and a button that changes panels.

  1. Create an acceleration label:
    1. In Project view, right-click SpeedPanel (type) and select New > Base controls > Label.
    2. Hover-over the label, select Edit, and enter AccelerationLabel.
    3. In Properties, set Text to Acceleration.
  2. Create a speed linear gauge:
    1. In Project view, right-click SpeedPanel (type) and select New > Base controls > Linear gauge.
    2. Hover-over the gauge, select Edit, and enter AccelerationGauge.
    3. In Properties, create a dynamic link between Value and ProjectName > Model > Acceleration.
  3. Create a button that changes panels:
    1. In Project view, right-click SpeedPanel (type) and select New > Base controls > Button.
    2. Hover-over the label, select Edit, and enter ChangePanelButton.
    3. In Properties, set Text to Change Panel.
    4. In Events, next to MouseClick event, select Add and select Panel Loaders > {MainPanelLoader} > MainPanelLoader > Change panel.
    5. Under Input arguments, create a dynamic link between NewPanel and ProjectName > UI > RemotePanels > SpeedPanel (type)