Add users (server)

Create multilingual users.


Add the it-IT locale. See Add a locale language to a localization dictionary.

To add users
  1. Create a folder for domain users:
    1. In Project view, expand Security.
    2. Right-click the Users folder and select New > Folder.
    3. Hover-over the folder, select Edit, and enter DomainUsers.
  2. Create the domain users:
    1. Create two users by right-clicking DomainUsers and selecting New > All > Security > Users > User.
    2. Rename the users by hovering-over each user, selecting Edit, and entering:
      • Alice

      • Frank

    3. In Project view, select Alice.
    4. In Properties, set Locale to en-US.
    5. In Project view, select Frank.
    6. In Properties, set the Locale to it-IT.