Create a circular gauge, a button, and a data grid.
Create a circular gauge:
In Project view, right-click MainWindow (type) and select .
In Properties, create a dynamic link between Value and .
Create a data grid:
In Project view, right-click MainWindow (type) and select .
In Properties, create a dynamic link between Model and .
Set Query to SELECT * FROM "DataLogger1" ORDER BY "Timestamp" DESC.
Configure data grid columns:
In Properties, under Columns, double-click DataGridColumn1 and enter TimestampColumn.
Under DataItemTemplate, create a dynamic link between the column Text property and .
Note: Enter Timestamp in the Insert the dynamic link sub-path... field.
For more information about dynamic links, see Create dynamic links.
Set Title to Timestamp.
Next to Columns, select
and select Text column.
In Properties, under Columns, double-click DataGridColumn1 and enter VariableValueColumn.
Under DataItemTemplate, create a dynamic link between the column Text property and .
Note: Enter Variable1 in the Insert the dynamic link sub-path... field.
For more information about dynamic links, see Create dynamic links.
Set the Title to Variable value.
Create a refresh button:
In Project view, right-click MainWindow (type) and select .
In Properties, set Text to Refresh Data.
In Events, next to MouseClick event, select
and select