Create the interface elements

Create a circular gauge, a button, and a data grid.
  1. Create a circular gauge:
    1. In Project view, right-click MainWindow (type) and select New > Base controls > Circular gauge.
    2. In Properties, create a dynamic link between Value and ProjectName > Model > Variable1.
  2. Create a data grid:
    1. In Project view, right-click MainWindow (type) and select New > Data controls > Data grid.
    2. In Properties, create a dynamic link between Model and ProjectName > DataStores > ODBCDatabase1.

      For more information about dynamic links, see Create dynamic links.

    3. Set Query to SELECT * FROM "DataLogger1" ORDER BY "Timestamp" DESC.
  3. Configure data grid columns:
    1. In Properties, under Columns, double-click DataGridColumn1 and enter TimestampColumn.
    2. Under DataItemTemplate, create a dynamic link between the column Text property and Aliases > {Item} > PointedNode > Timestamp.
      Note: Enter Timestamp in the Insert the dynamic link sub-path... field.

      For more information about dynamic links, see Create dynamic links.

    3. Set Title to Timestamp.
    4. Next to Columns, select Add and select Text column.
    5. In Properties, under Columns, double-click DataGridColumn1 and enter VariableValueColumn.
    6. Under DataItemTemplate, create a dynamic link between the column Text property and Aliases > {Item} > PointedNode > Variable1.
      Note: Enter Variable1 in the Insert the dynamic link sub-path... field.

      For more information about dynamic links, see Create dynamic links.

    7. Set the Title to Variable value.
  4. Create a refresh button:
    1. In Project view, right-click MainWindow (type) and select New > Base controls > Button.
    2. In Properties, set Text to Refresh Data.
    3. In Events, next to MouseClick event, select Add and select ProjectName > UI > MainWindow (type) > DataGrid1 > Refresh