Add predefined UI elements

Add a login form, a username label, and a clock NetLogic from the template libraries.

  1. From the toolbar, select Template Libraries.
  2. Add and configure the login form:
    1. In Libraries, search for Login Form.
    2. Under Components, drag Login Form onto MainWindow (type) in Project view.
    3. In Properties, create a dynamic link between Users and ProjectName > Security > Users > UsersPersistentSettings.

      For more information about dynamic links, see Create dynamic links.

  3. Add and configure the username label:
    1. In Libraries, search for Username Label.
    2. Under Components, drag Username Label onto MainWindow (type) in Project view.
  4. Add the clock NetLogic:
    1. In Libraries window, search for Clock.
    2. Under Components, drag Clock onto the NetLogic in Project view.
  5. In Libraries window, select Close.