Dispose of a task

You can dispose of a task at runtime. You cannot run a task that you disposed of.

Stop() method

Each asynchronous task automatically ends when the NetLogic parent node is removed. Nevertheless, we recommend disposing of tasks inside the Stop() method by invoking the Dispose() method, as shown in the following example.
public override void Stop()
Important: Invoking the Dispose() method on an asynchronous task blocks it until the code ran by the task returns the control to the caller (through control of the task state or for completion of the task).


The following example shows creating, running, and disposing of an asynchronous task.
public override void Start()
    myTask = new PeriodicTask(IncrementVariable, 1000, LogicObject)

public override void Stop()

private void IncrementVariable()
    variable1.Value = variable1.Value + 1;

private PeriodicTask myTask;
The example involves:
  • Defining a private instance variable (private PeriodicTask myTask;) in the C# class contained in the NetLogic.

    Tip: Depending on the type of task to be created, the class of this variable must be PeriodicTask, DelayedTask, or LongRunningTask
  • Defining a method (IncrementVariable()) that the task must run.

  • Creating the task.

    Inside the Start() method, in the C# class contained in the NetLogic, the private instance variable (myTask) is initialized using the class constructor (PeriodicTask).
    Tip: The constructor requires a variety of arguments based on the class to which it belongs. See Asynchronous task.
  • Executing the task as soon as the NetLogic is initialized at runtime.

    Inside the Start() method in the C# class contained in the NetLogic, the Start() method is invoked on the task (myTask.Start()).

  • Disposing of the task in the Stop() method by invoking the Dispose() method.