Cancel a task

A task can be canceled at runtime. You cannot run  a canceled task.

Making a task cancelable

You can cancel a task if the value returned from reading its IsCancellationRequested property is appropriately managed in the method that executes, usually using conditional instructions.

The IsCancellationRequested property can have the following values:
Cancellation not requested.
Cancellation requested.

To use the property within the method,  indicate the task as the argument of the same method, specifying its type.

In the following example, myTask is a task and ProcessCsvFile() is the method that executes:
private void ProcessCsvFile(LongRunningTask myTask)
    // Code to execute

For a complete example, see Constructor: LongRunningTask(action, executingNode).

Cancel a task

You cancel a task by invoking the Cancel() method on the task. See the following example.

The method sets the value of the task IsCancellationRequested property to True.